We Have Returned.

The year 6 and year 7 students of Cooinda have returned from Busselton Camp after a wonderful 3 days together.  We got to know each other a whole lot better and had fun working together to make the camp run properly.  The highlight of the camp for me was going to Nigilgi Cave and spending time with the students from the other two classes and my own, away from the classroom environment.

Mr Phipps did an exceptional job on the food and the parent volunteers were such a great support for us over the three days.  Miss Hill our student teacher even came along to learn about how camps come together.  All students were happy, co-operative and willing to give everything a go.

The students from Mrs B’s Team and The Den are going to post in their own personal blogs about their camping adventures in the next week, so keep your eyes out for that.

Mrs B

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