Literacy Week

This week was Literacy Week at our school and the students had the chance to work with students from different classes to participate in writing tasks.  Early on in the week we met with Room 19, who are our regular class buddies, to complete the cover page of a story that we have been writing for their K/PP.  The children thoroughly enjoyed getting their buddy to illustrate for them.

On Wednesday we worked with Room 10.  We watched a video clip on the white board and then had to come up with a similar idea to the clip.  They drew what they thought a scene from their story might look like and labelled all the details and important parts.  From there they worked in groups of four to write the beginning of the story for one of the scenes.

On Friday we met up with Room5, who we shared our paper blogs with.  We then showed them how to create one for themselves.  Each year 3 had the opportunity to choose their own topic and write their first post for their home page.  I can’t wait to see what they look like when they are finished, because they all worked very hard together.

Over the entire week we were lucky enough to hear excellent reading of writing tasks after recess.  Each class had a turn at choosing 2-3 students to read their writing from the days Literacy Block.  I thoroughly enjoyed hearing what the classes had been doing, and also the wonderful language being used in their independent writing tasks.

Thank you to Mrs Upson for organising this for us and also the the Cooinda students for a job well done.


Mrs B